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    Analysis of Birth Chart Corporate Consulting
    Compatibility Analysis
    Basic Vasthu Remedies

About Lakshmidass Nair

. Lakshmidass Nair is a hereditary vedic astrologer who learned this art from his father Dr T BALAN NAIR, one of the well known astrologers in South East Asia.

. Lakshmidass Nair has done Masters degree in Computer Application and has served as systems analyst and Techinical Consultant for Deutche bank - Singapore.
. Lakshmidass Nair is currently serving as consultant for various IT companies including Mindlogicx Ltd. Bangaluru, DQ Entertainment Ltd. Hyderabad.
. Lakshmidass Nair's clientele includes various dignitary from country Presidents, Corporate Heads, Royal families, Film personalities, industrialists etc.

About Vedic Astrology

The science of astrology originated in India and has been practiced continuously for more than 8,000 years. Records of astrological knowledge are to be found in the history of all nations and among the relics of all civilizations, past and present.

Besides India, rich astrological traditions have been discovered in China, Chaldea, Babylon, Egypt, Persia and Arabia.

Apart from the Vedic records, perhaps the oldest records of astrological practice are to be found in China. The Chinese have been as scrupulous in preserving their records as the Hindus of Bharat.The records that exist in India today point clearly to a highly developed knowledge of astrology as far back as about 6,500 BC and actual manuscripts are still extant which were written about 3,700 BC. Some of the originals have been destroyed or lost but actual copies of these originals were made by later astrologers. These are to be found in the libraries of Maharajas and in the libraries of certain states in India. Actual, detailed records of astrological science are continuous from about 6,500 BC. One of the earliest authors of Vedic astrology, copies of whose work are still to be found, is Pita Maha who wrote a treatise on astrology called Pita Maha Siddhanta. He lived and wrote this book about 3,000 BC.

Five hundred years later, another author-astrologer named Vashishta wrote several books on astrology, astronomy and philosophy. His most important work, and one which was used as an authority by all subsequent writers on the subject, is Vashishta Siddhanta, but he wrote many other equally erudite and authoritative texts such as the Panch Siddhanta Kosha, Soorya Siddhanta, Nityananda, etc. Yet, Parasara's Hora Sashtra and Varahamihara's Brihat Jathaka, constitute the core Vedic Astrology Texts.

Thus it will be clear that the roots of Indian Astrology can be traced back to the dawn of history. According to Indian Astrology, your true self & personality is defined by the position of the planets, at the time and place of your birth. The present and future positions of the planets are compared with those of your birth chart to predict your future. This is the basis of Indian Astrology. The traditions of Vedic Astrology in Kerala have been very strong and continuous for several centuries